Legal disclosure

Supplier Identification

Stefanie Reim - Einzelunternehmen

Stefanie Reim

Otto-Hahn-Str. 7
97080 Würzburg

Phone: 0049(0)15223283699


Value added tax registration number(s): DE814074318

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolutions (ODR) which can be accessed at We are ready to participate in extra-judicial dispute settlement proceedings before a consumer dispute resolution body.

Important Notice: The European Online Dispute Resolution Platform (ODR platform) will be permanently discontinued as of 20 July 2025. Accordingly, the submission of complaints to the ODR platform will cease on 20 March 2025. The competent body in this matter is: Universalschlichtungsstelle des Bundes am Zentrum für Schlichtung e.V., Straßburger Straße 8, 77694 Kehl am Rhein, Germany,

In accordance with the statutory provisions, our company is exempt from the scope of the accessibility requirements and thus from the obligation to provide an accessibility statement.